M1: Hey, can I see your drawings? They are really nice.
No, I (lose) the notebook where I (have) all my drawings, last week. I (feel) so depressed that day.
M1: I'm sorry to hear that. How (lose) it?
M2: I (keep) my notebook always with me, in my bag. I always (find) inspiration at random places, so I (have) to be prepared. But one day I was playing football with some friends, and I (leave) my bag in a chair in the park. I (pay) attention, and when the match (finish), my bag (be) there, somebody (steal) it.
M1: Those damn thieves! I really hate them! I (be) a victim of those mean guys last week too!
M2: Oh really? What (lose) ?
M1: My girlfriend. She (run) away with another guy.
M2: Uh-oh. You must be really sad.
M1: Well, not really, I (love) her that much anyways. And she (be) kind of crazy!
M2: Ha-ha, then you can't complain, you (to be) very lucky!

Virtually English Online Program - Level One 2012, Books & Books