Actually, Alaska is not a bad idea! We could go skiing!
We should go to another country this vacation. We have enough money saved.
The beach again? We went to Santa Marta last vacation!
Finally we agree on something! Maybe we can find something good for both of us!
Yeah, but you know I don't love the cold like you! You'd love to go to Patagonia, Alaska or someplace like that!
Forget it! I don't want to freeze to death! I want somewhere warm or hot!
Definitely! I want to visit the ancient places in South America, like Machu Picchu, or maybe Nazca or Chichen Itza.
Well, I was thinking of something more warm, like Rio de Janeiro or Acapulco.
You know what? I think we should look for ideas on the Internet. We'll get more ideas that way.
Virtually English Online Program - Level One 2012, Books & Books